

Precast construction:
innovation at its finest

Learn more about Stubbe's

Hectare specializes in the creation of composite structure systems combining Stubbe’s precast concrete and steel. The combination of physically connected steel and concrete brings the strengths and characteristics of each element to become a stronger system than the sum of its separate parts.
This type of structure has been used for several years and provides efficient solutions, is lighter than cast-in-place concrete, and ensures unmatched construction speed.

Learn more about composite columns and beams


Compared to cast-in-place concrete, Hectare construction’s precast construction system comes with the following advantages:

to erect

Because the structure is prefabricated, all that remains is for it to be assembled! Approximately 14,000 sq. ft. can be easily built in only one week!

Hectare Construction

Fewer workers

A multi-story structure can be erected with only 6 employees. Thanks to this system, you won’t be affected by labour shortages, and you won’t have to rely on formwork companies.

Hectare Construction

Built-in fire

DELTABEAM® composite columns are fire resistant in compliance with standards applicable and may remain visible.

* For Peikko steel beams only.


Hectare Construction


A combination of steel, precast concrete, and prefabricated walls makes the building envelope more energy efficient than a similar building built with cast-in-place concrete.

* A comparative study carried out by independent professionals is available upon request.

Hectare Construction

Superior sound

With an AIIC rating of 69 (impact noise) on site*, precast steel provides superior sound insulation over cast-in-place concrete, without the need for a soundproof membrane.

* May vary depending on the components of a project.

Hectare Construction


Less time and money required because the system makes construction in the winter easier; does not require as many temporary stairs, guardrails, or massive foundations; and reduces the number of concrete lab stests.

Hectare Construction


The system delivers high-quality results that are comparable to a building built with cast-in-place concrete, without the vibrations inherent to a project built with conventional steel.

Hectare Construction


Columns can be installed up to 11 metres apart, meaning you’ll be able to design lovely open spaces and, generally speaking, indoor parking lots and layouts that are less encumbered.

Hectare Construction

Less shoring

Because less shoring is required, other trades can quickly begin their work on a finished floor without having to wait for the concrete to cure.

Hectare Construction


Prefabricated structures weigh less than cast-in-place concrete structures (up to 30% lighter). This allows for greater densification thanks to a higher load-bearing capacity.

Hectare Construction

Hectare's expertise in numbers

10 linear kms

of Peikko DELTABEAM® laid

Hectare Construction

1.5 million sq. ft.

of slabs installed

Hectare Construction

147 flights

of stores erected

Hectare Construction
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