
About us

Hectare construction,
a specialized general contractor

Hectare construction has always been a forward-thinking firm. In fact, we began using prefabricated construction systems for Hectare immobilier’s multi-story projects years ago.

That’s how we became a leader in Eastern Canada. Today, we continue to work with peers to improve the technologies and methodologies used in the real estate sector.

Our mission: support you every step of your project by offering alternatives to conventional construction methods such as cast-in-place concrete or conventional steel.

Interested in integrating Stubbe’s precast concrete and composite steel structures into your multi-unit residential, commercial, or industrial development projects?

Because Hectare construction regularly works with these materials, we’re able to provide you with the support and guidance you need to leverage these innovative construction methods.

Our team includes experienced prefabricated structure erectors as well as project managers, many of whom are engineers, who are highly skilled at getting the most out of our technological tools. They’re able to plan, oversee, and seamlessly integrate prefabricated construction components into your projects, all in compliance with construction codes in force in Quebec and Ontario.


Many companies have already trusted Hectare construction their projects (sometimes using and requiring support for all the technological components of the precast system, or sometimes only for a single component) in Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, and elsewhere in Eastern Canada.

solutions from
a solid team

Project managers, engineers, superintendents, site workers… every member of the Hectare construction team is a qualified professional whose goal is to provide you with personalized services. No matter your project, the experts at Hectare construction will help you make sure no detail goes unnoticed.

Hectare Construction

Project managers, engineers, superintendents, site workers… every member of the Hectare construction team is a qualified professional whose goal is to provide you with personalized services. No matter your project, the experts at Hectare construction will help you make sure no detail goes unnoticed.

Join our team

Three visionaries
at the heart of Hectare construction:

Hectare Construction

Jean-Simon Généreux,
Partner and Director of Construction

  • Building engineer with more than 10 years of experience
  • Pionnier in composite construction systems combining precast concrete and steel
  • Dedicated to envisioning innovative, efficient solutions for each prefabricated construction project
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Hectare Construction

Hugues Michaud, Partner

  • Certified professional accountant and CFA
  • More than 25 years of experience in the construction and real estate sectors
  • Oversees the financial aspects of the company and its projects
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Hectare Construction

Sébastien Boucher, Partner

  • Attorney specializing in real estate law
  • More than 25 years of experience in the industry
  • Oversees the legal issues under foreign jurisdiction and very involved in developing new markets
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Hectare Construction

Hectare construction is the only supplier of Stubbe’s precast building products in Quebec.


Hectare Construction Member of the CPCI
Hectare Construction Certified CWB
Hectare Construction Recommended expert installer
Hectare Construction Member of the CPCI
Hectare Construction Certified CWB
Hectare Construction Recommended expert installer

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